All posts by Mama Said

Day 137 – A Timeline

I have been pregnant for 137 days, that’s 19 weeks and 4 days. Only 143 to go!

Today I have decided to make a list of pregnancy firsts. This post will be for me to refer to during second pregnancy (hopefully). So, if you aren’t interested in it.. that’s ok, this blog isn’t for you!

  • Decided to get pregnant: August 2015
  • Tried to get pregnant: August 20, 21, 22, and 23rd 2015
  • Found out I was pregnant: September 18, 2015 (4 weeks)
  • Told my family: September 18, 2015 (4 weeks)
  • First pregnancy symptom: Boobs hurt like a mother fucker: week of September 21st. (4 weeks)
  • First Sonogram: October 28, 2015 (9 weeks)

Max 1

  • Told Lance’s Family: November 7, 2015 (11 weeks)
  • Quit Smoking: November 15, 2015 (12 weeks – I know.. I’m a terrible waste of human existence.. quitting is HARD! But I finally did it!)
  • Found our gender: November 23, 2015; with blood test. (13 weeks)

Its a boy

  • Noticeable bump: November 26, 2015 (14 weeks – Too early for my first, I know.. this baby is going to be HUGE!)

14 weeks

  • Decided on baby Name: Max Danger! November 26, 2015 (14 weeks)
  • First flutter: December 4, 2015 (15 weeks)
  • Decided on Daycare: December 4, 2015 (15 weeks)
  • Painted nursery: December 19, 2015 (17 weeks)

Baby room

  • First kick (Felt from outside): December 29, 2015 (18 weeks)
  • Lance felt him:
  • First unsolicited belly rub:
  • Baby Shower:
  • Had maternity photos taken:

This post will be updated regularly.




Day 133, New Years Eve

I have been pregnant for 133 days, that’s 19 weeks. I’m almost have way to the most incredible and yet forgettable pain I will ever experience. Today is New Years eve and we are doing the best thing I could ever imagine. Sitting at home watching murder mystery documentaries.


Reflecting on the year.

This year was absolutely insane! I bought a super nice house, found a religion, got engaged, and then got pregnant! Man.. I am efficient! I can’t even imagine what the next year holds.

Back Yard



Sometimes I feel like I am a “lucky person”. You know how many people always say that they are unlucky or never win anything etc. Well, I hit all green lights all the time, especially when I need to.


Maybe I have paid for all of the bad things I did when I was younger and I am finally hitting normalcy, OR maybe I am the kind of person who actually notices when good things happen to them. 

I notice when I find the perfect guy who loves me beyond what I can even understand. I notice when I find a religion that actually FINALLY makes sense to me and how lucky I am to have found it. I notice when I can buy a house because of the shitty years I paid when I was younger. I notice the green lights.

Shit happens, but so do shiny sparkly blessings. Notice them.

Day 131

I have been pregnant for 131 days. That’s 18 weeks and 5 days. I still haven’t felt much, bad or good. However, I am about 85% sure that I felt a kick from the outside yesterday. Lance did too! But that is not what’s on my mind today, today I am thinking about moving back home.

Image result for East Texas

Home is in East Texas, and anyone who is familiar with East Texas is probably saying “WHY?!” and I can completely understand. It isn’t the area or the general population of East Texas that is appealing, it’s my Mama. I have never really been a child who was “stuck on the teat”, but I was never very far from my Mama either.

When I was young, starting at about 3 years old, I was a runner. I ran away from home just because I was bored a lot of times. Then when I was a teenager I ran away because I was dramatic. Then my biggest was when I joined the military and was stationed in Louisiana.

Image result for female military

It took those four years to figure out that I couldn’t be that far from my Mama. So I moved back and went to college in East Texas. But as anyone who is familiar with East Texas can tell you, it isn’t a place that a tattooed non-republican Wiccan can stand for very long. So as soon as I graduated, I moved to North Texas in the DFW area.

That is where I am now, and I do enjoy it. Although I think I would enjoy it a lot more if I were the kind of person who left the house without a fight. But I’m a hermit, it’s hereditary. All I need is my Lance, my Mama, and my Max.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking of moving back to East Texas to be around my family, however, there are some obstacles.

  1. I have a career type job in this city and I don’t know if I could find something as good in East Texas.
  2. I just bought a house, and I would need to sell it before I could move.
  3. Lance’s family lives in the DFW area and I would feel bad taking him away.

And here are some thoughts to go with the obstacles…

  1. East Texas has more opportunities that there are here because there are less people fighting for the openings. I also have more connections since that is where I’m from and that is where my family lives.
  2. We were almost not able to buy a house because we weren’t fast enough. Meaning that people are buying houses so fast right now that I don’t think I would have any trouble finding someone to buy it.
  3. We usually see my family more than Lances even though it takes hours to get there. So it wouldn’t be very different than what we do now.

As you can see, I want to move and I am doing whatever I can to talk myself into moving back. I need an unbiased educated opinion. But let’s be honest.. I wouldn’t listen if it went against what I wanted to do, that’s just who I am.


Day 130

5 Things They Never Told You About Pregnancy


I have been pregnant for 130 days. It hasn’t been that bad so far, however, I understand that I am not even half way done yet. I understand that I don’t know anything about pregnancy or babies and I don’t understand why people insist on drilling that fact into my brain at every possible opportunity. I KNOW. I KNOW that I don’t know how to pack up a pack-n-play. I KNOW that I don’t know how long babies are supposed to sleep or how often they are supposed to eat. I KNOW that I don’t know anything at all. But what I also know is that you sitting there laughing at me is NOT FUCKING HELPING.

How about if you don’t have anything constructive to say to me about my unborn child then you just fuck off? How about that? I am going through enough changes as it is without all of the judgment and inconsiderate guffaw.

I don’t need you. All I need is YouTube because that is obviously the only place where someone can get any kind of useful information.

You know what else, how about you tell me anything good about spawning a human? The ONLY things that I have heard from parents is how horrible it is to be a parent. I believe that it is because I want to be pregnant and I waited till I was as ready as I would ever be to have the child.

I’m sorry you wasted your youth away on a mistake, but that’s not my problem. You should go out of your way to tell me all of the negatives to having a child. First of all, what in the hell is that going to do? You think that because you tell me that I won’t sleep for the next ___ years that I am going to change my mind and start punching myself in the stomach? What the fuck do you think you’re helping?

Image result for pregnancy angry

As I stated before, if you aren’t here to ACTUALLY help me: Fuck off, I don’t need your criticism.


Day 126, Christmas Eve 2015

I have been pregnant for 126 days, 18 weeks, and I thought I should start a journal to record everything that is happening, with a few details on things that have happened in the past to get me to this point.

First I have to explain who I am. I am not a mom. I am the drunk aunt who ruins Christmas, but whom you secretly like because she keeps it interesting. I never thought I would find a husband, and I never thought I would EVER want to procreate.

I’m sure you understand what kind of person I am, but you need to understand the extent. I have always done everything I can to make sure that a “mistake” didn’t happen, but in the event that it did.. I was pro-choice. That was until April 23, 2012 at 7:32 pm.. That was the exact minute that this crazy aunt started thinking about being a crazy mom.

On April 23, 2012 at 7:32pm, I held my delicate 5 minute old niece for the first time. I held this miracle that I could believe existed. This marvel that my baby sister created almost all by herself. I had never felt such a surge of emotions, I felt so many different things so ferociously that all I could do was stare at her.FullSizeRender

Holding my niece didn’t give me baby fever. Holding her made me decide that maybe I would abort whatever had the gal to grow inside me. It wasn’t until I met Lance (names have been changed) that things really started kicking off.

I met Lance in 2014. I was living in an apartment with two rando’s who he happened to be friends with before moving back home. I lived in a smallish east Texas town that was close to home. I was in the last year of my degree and he had just finished his the semester before.

I remember my roommates talking about him. They would say how wonderful of a guy he was, I used to say that they worshiped him as a joke.. but it wasn’t really a joke. They would tell me all kinds of stories about him because I couldn’t believe that someone this remarkable could exist. call me a cynic.

I was convinced that he was missing a leg or was deaf or something. No one is perfect. So, when he showed up to our apartment I was dumbfounded. He was well over six feet tall and dressed in gym clothes. He walked like Fezzik, from The Princess Bride. He was a gentle giant with a long gate and very meticulous steps.

His eyes were so gentle and kind and yet you could tell that he had been through some shit, clue number one. He was perfect, and I was SO relieved that I decided to put on make up before he came!

We hit it off right away. I was smoking on the back patio and after he had changed, I ordered him to come outside so I could see what was wrong with him. As I said earlier no one is perfect, and I  am a cynic.

He came out and after a very brief interview he motor-boated me, we he got very close. I am usually extremely particular about my personal space, but for some reason, it didn’t bother me that he had permeated my circle. which was clue number two.

They decided to have a part that night, which they all did pretty regularly. I usually just stayed in my room because I’m not a huge fan of people, especially those people. However, that night I couldn’t. I needed to be out there with this man that I knew would be mine very soon and for a very long time. But with any good story, there must be obstacles.

We shall call this obstacle Jessica, because I don’t like that name. She had a relation or two with Lance in the past and had fallen MADLY for him. She drove from two cities away just to see him for the night, and also to SEE him for the night ifyouknowwhatImean.

Lance couldn’t have cared less if he’d tried, which made me ecstatic! probably because I’m an awful person and love to see people I don’t like hurt, but aren’t we all really? I didn’t try to flirt with him in front of her, because it was a little TOO mean for my taste, but he didn’t try very hard.

He kept touching my knee and “accidentally” bumping into me all night, which made her want shots. Lots of shots. She eventually had so many that she became “white girl wasted” as the kids these days say. She was in the bathroom for a pretty long time puking, farting, and screaming for Lance. But he wouldn’t leave me, clue number three.

Image result for good man

She stayed on one couch and he stayed on the a weird papasan futon thing that we had that wasn’t even comfortable to sit on, let alone sleep on. I wanted to invite him to sleep, just sleep, in my bed because there was plenty of room, but I don’t like drama, so he was stuck on the futon.

The next day, we spent every waking hour together, except when I was in the bathroom smoking. She saw every bit of it and was not happy. She FINALLY left at the end of the day and tried to get him to walk her out to her car, ifyouknowwhatImean. Since he is such a wonderfully nice person, he walked her to the front door and told her to have fun and came back to me.

That night we slept together, not in the ifyouknowwhatImean kind of way.. and actually, now that I say it, we didn’t even sleep. We layed in the dark all night talking, and after many many hours, we halfway ifyouknowwhatImean..ed.

He was MAGNIFICIENT! I still think about that time to this day, years later. Clue number 4.

It was about a week later that I realized that I was eventually going to have a baby. I also realized that he was going to be the one that gave it to me. And thus the baby fever era began.